OL700KAREL 700th. 체코 왕과 로마 황제 카렐 4세, 생일의 기념일..교신을 했다.

DS3EXX 0 2,141

OL700KAREL Czech Republic flag Czech Republic 

700th. Anniversary of the Czech King and Roman Emperor Karel IV. Birthday

700th. 체코 왕과 로마 황제 카렐 4세, 생일의 기념일.



Karrel IV.


Czech Radio Club in the occasion of the 700th. anniversary of the Czech king and Roman emperor Karel IV. (Charles IV.) birthday organizes the following activity:


Special memorial callsign station -  OL700KAREL.


Station will be active since 9th May 2016  to 23th May 2016 on HF and VHF bands.


QSL agenda – contacts with OL700KAREL will be confirmed with a special QSL card via OQRS on the ClubLog (via bureau and direct).

All contacts on received QSL cards will be also confirmed after their verification.

All contacts will be uploaded also to The LoTW, The ClubLog and EQSL.


Czech Radio Club Special Call
P. O. BOX 69
PRAHA 1 113 27
Czech Republic

Email: ok2apy@gmail.com





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