늦은밤 3.797.5에서 교신을 했다.

DS3EXX 0 2,577
늦은밤 3.797.5에서 교신을 했다.

이제부터 low밴드가 조금씩 살아나는것같다.


N2PPL/N2ZN/AB7TJ 국을 만났다.

신호는 55정도 수신되고 노이즈가 동반되었다.


이제 11월초부터는 신호가 살아날것 같다.



A little about myself.

Got my first license in 1959 and my Extra in 1975. Retired in 1996 and have lived here in Minden NV since 1998 and love every minute.

Now have my retirement station up and running. Using the IC-7600: Acom 2000a amp and the SteppIR DB-36 beam 80 – 6 meters. All I can say about this station is if I can hear them I can work them. HI HI

Also using the DXlab suite of software for general logging and then N1MM Logger for all contests. This combination KB’s. Just getting into RTTY and enjoy using the MMTTY program. The third screen is for surfing the web when the bands are a little light. 

My other hobby is riding my 2002 Harley-Davidson FX DL. I purchased it new with 9 miles on it and it is ready to turn over 200,000 miles very soon. In 2004 I left on a road trip and by the time I got back I had visited ALL 48 States ... Nice ride ! The tower went up in 09 and the miles went down. I have NO complaints. 



I am very fortunate to have two wonderful Grand dogs. Blue and Jack, they belong to my son.



This is Jack and myself enjoying a great day here in Minden with a nice cup of coffee. By the way

Blue is taking the picture. 


Thanks for looking me up


I prefer LoTW and snail mail. Sorry no EQSL.


73 and God Bless

This is ONE GREAT antenna  


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